Saturday, February 9, 2013


Lena Dunham
Even more polarizing than the policies of President Obama is the young writer/actress who, as it turns out, might not have voted for him: Lena Dunham, whose 2012 breakthrough into the public consciousness, via her HBO series Girls, has earned her unwavering idolatry from many and untempered scorn from others. Those in the latter camp will take this new opportunity to chomp at the multi-hyphenate’s reputation — outspoken advocate for Obama and pro-voting activist Dunham is reported, by Room Eight’s Gatemouth blog, to not have voted in the 2012 presidential election.
The news broke Wednesday night, exactly three months after the election. Gatemouth released the following declaration:
I can now report that according to New York City’s voter file, a Lena Dunham registered in Brooklyn did not vote in the 2012 general election or in any local elections since she moved from her prior address in Tribeca.But all politically enthused Dunham fans who feel betrayed by this news shouldn't purge their DVR of Girls episodes just yet — a rep for the 26-year-old star has confirmed to Hollywood that "Lena [Dunham] voted in the 2012 presidential election."
So who do we believe? It's pretty clear that we'll all stick to our camps: Dunham lovers will take the actress' word for it, and perhaps enjoy some celebratory shower cake, while those who find her work offensive will just use this latest rumor as another brick in their brownstone of opposition. But realists of either allegiance have to admit to the probability of any region's voting records not being quite up to snuff.
Think about the last time you voted: hordes of confused citizens congregated in dilapidated middle schools under the "watchful eye" of equally confused (and comically on-in-years) station delegates, shuffling off to marginally functioning computers to contribute to the most important decision in our country's operation. And as far as absentee ballots go... well, we're actually not to sure where absentee ballots go. So perhaps Brooklyn doesn't have a vote on file for one Lena Dunham... but that hardly means she didn't actually vote.
And even if she didn't vote, she probably had a pretty good reason. I think there was an SVU marathon on that day...

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